Apr 30·edited Apr 30Liked by Chris Liss

I'm dubious of what AI spits out. This year, I was pretty amazed by how all of the 1 seeds and all of the 2 seeds advanced to the Sweet Sixteen. Off the top of my head, I couldn't recall that ever happening and I'm a mild CBB junkie. I figured ChatGPT would be the quickest way to find out, so i decided to ask if it's ever happened before. This is what it spit out:

"As of my last update in January 2022, the most 1 seeds and 2 seeds to advance to the Sweet Sixteen in a single NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament was in 2009. In that year's tournament, all four 1 seeds and three out of four 2 seeds advanced to the Sweet Sixteen. This means a total of seven out of the eight top-seeded teams made it to the third round. It's a notable achievement in the tournament's history, showcasing the dominance of the highest-seeded teams in that particular year."

I figured it was correct, except it wasn't. As recently as 2019, it happened, and a quick search query on any search engine pulls it up.

I'm starting to wonder if things such as ChatGPT are merely additional forms of data collection. To that point, I copied and pasted my old question with ease because it is saved on my profile through my gmail account for what I can only assume as permanently.

The one solid case use for ChatGPT that I have found, as embarrassing as this is to share, is with helping with your child's school project. Yeah I know, I am not proud of it. I'm not proud of helping the child in the first place, nor the even more egregious act of cheating in the act of helping. But most people have been there before where the project is left to the last night. The time for lecturing about time management to your child was before or after said night, but not during.

A question posed to chatGPT like "Please write in the style of a sixth grader, an essay which comprises A, B, and C, in x amount of paragraphs/words" can get the ball rolling. Except it's not even really that good at that, because it just writes how it assumes 6th graders talk, like as an example, "Neptune is a super cool, big blue planet, made of like gasses and stuff."

So you usually need to pose additional questions to clean it up, and you always need to up it a grade or three (my kid is in fourth grade) because apparently it's been coded to think that we're all pretty dumb. Then a nice copy and paste job with a sit-down with the kid about how you want to word this or that (so at least the kid learns some shit), and the written portion of the project is done, and it's on to the "Paper Mache," or whatever.

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apparently the free version is garbage -- I've gotten wrong answers from it too. and the pay one is better, though I haven't ponied up yet. Hilarious that you take school even less seriously than I do.

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May 1Liked by Chris Liss

Didn't know that about the pay version. I will definitely not be ponying up for that, lol.

Yeah, I'm like half and half with the school stuff. We pulled him out of public in the full year of the covid fiasco because it's a disaster, and put him in catholic which is only a partial disaster.

It's funny, I'm mildly irritated that they barely teach these kids history anymore, while at the same time I am very skeptical of much of the history that I've been taught because I can't even believe what I am told happened last week.

Similarly, I think school's greatest benefit is to learn how to socialize, respect others, and respect authority, but on the other hand, I don't want him to grow up to be the most ardent rule follower completely trusting of what "they" are telling him.

By and large though, the move to Catholic school was a good move. They learn cursive! Reason enough.

It's funny, if you would have told me 20 years ago that I would have had a child in catholic school, I would have laughed at you as I was an ardent atheist. Now I'm more or less agnostic, but I definitely see the value in the traditions aspect of religion. Later, I grew to appreciate the religious ed he receives when I started to view it less as an indoctrination and more of an "how not to be an asshole" class. He's pretty into the whole thing and it's turned out be nice supporting him in his "faith journey" haha.

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yeah, Catholic school was part of the dominant culture, now it's almost counter culture.

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